Where are we working?

Bush honeysuckle and buckthorn control in this park has been our major focus in 2014.
We have replanted trees here in 2015 and 2016. Control of invasive vines and garlic mustard is on-going.

Fancyburg Park
Substantial control of the larger bush honeysuckle and buckthorn has been completed. Trees were replanted in 2015 and 2016.
Control of invasive vines and garlic mustard is on-going.

Northwest Kiwanis Park
We have planted hundreds of trees on the northwest side of this large park, as well as removed some honeysuckle.

Cardiff Woods Park
We are beginning work to remove honeysuckle and buckthorn from this park in summer 2016.

Charing Ravine
Charing Ravine was cleared of honeysuckle in 2011 and 2012 with cooperation from local Boy Scout Troop 417. Recent efforts here include spring garlic mustard pulls and follow up spraying of honeysuckle.

Smith Nature Park
We removed the honeysuckle from this park in 2022 and have planted hundreds of native trees and shrubs. Control of honeysuckle and garlic mustard is ongoing.